
CITES Reptiles and mammals

Geochelone Sulcata

African spurred Tortoise

Testudo kleinmanni

Egyptian Tortoise


Rare Wonders

Explore the top-rated species that have captured the hearts of our global clientele

 Endangered Species Sale

Geochelone Sulcata

African spurred Tortoise


Wildlife Trafficking Prevention

Testudo kleinmanni

Egyptian Tortoise

each    $200

Exotic Mammal Shipment

Testudo Graeca

Greek Tortoise

each   $80

 Endangered Species Sale

Geochelone Sulcata beby

African spurred Tortoise

each   $60

Wildlife Trafficking Prevention

Testudo kleinmanni beby

Egyptian Tortoise

each   @ $150

Exotic Mammal Shipment

Testudo Graeca beby

Greek Tortoise

each    $60

Exclusive Rare Species Procurement

Uromastyx Aegyptia

Egyptian Spiny Tailed Agama

each   $100

Global Animal Sourcing Specialist

Uromastyx Ornata

Ornate Spiny Tailed Agama

each  90$

Global Wildlife Export

oranus frisels

Desert Monitor

each  …….

American Wildlife Supplier

Chameleo Africanus

African Chameleon

each  $35

Rare Animal Auction

Gongylophis Colubrinus

Egyptian sand boa

each   $70

Exotic Animal Trade Associations

Vulpes Zerda

Fennec Fox

each  $900


What is AlAqabawi's Zoo?

AlAqabawi’s Zoo is a family-operated sanctuary and farm located in Egypt. We specialize in providing rare and exotic species to a diverse range of clients, including zoos, researchers, educators, and wildlife enthusiasts across the globe.

How do I visit AlAqabawi's Zoo?

We warmly welcome visitors to our family sanctuary. Contact us to arrange a visit and witness our commitment to care, ethics, and the well-being of our extraordinary animal residents.

What sets your collection apart?

Our exclusive collection comprises valuable and rare species, emphasizing ethical practices and ethical breeding. We take pride in offering a unique range of creatures nurtured with dedication and love.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, our reach extends worldwide. We ship our carefully cared-for animals to various corners of the globe, ensuring safe and comfortable journeys for each species.

How can I trust the quality of your offerings?

With references from satisfied customers worldwide, our reputation is built on trust and excellence. Our commitment to transparent transactions and ethical practices is the foundation of our global recognition.

Is affordability a part of your offerings?

Yes, we believe that excellence should be accessible. We provide affordable pricing without compromising the quality and care that define AlAqabawi’s Zoo.

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